The Preparation Continues Part 3

The Preparation continues for the upcoming road trip.

At the instance of my family (my mother mainly, but then too my wife) I procured some 5 gallons gas cans, (four of them to be exact). I purchased them off of a website called "". The fuel cans are surplus, and were made in 1954 (aka NATO Jerry Cans), they were a little rough around the edges, and had a little rust in certain places. I was able to sand them down, and then re-paint them in an "Olive Drab" all I have to do at this point, is paint the word "MOGAS" on the spine of the cans so I know I am utilizing Unleaded Fuel or Diesel Fuel, granted keep in mind you would (I hope) make the can accordingly. But then again, I wasn't in the Army or the Air Force either.

Once the sanding of the fuel cans were completed, and painted, I proceeded to take out the air mattress and the tent that fit in the bed of my truck. They both checked out fine, especially the air mattress (thank goodness). I'm not as young as I once was (wait isn't that a country song lyric), but none the less I'll be able to lay down and sleep at some point during this trip.

All that I have left to do at this point, is get my camera gear together, pack clothes, make food to put in the cooler, and most importantly pack the canned goods that my wife is making and then get in the truck and go.

Oh wait, I still have to finish out about 10 days and a wake up of work, before I can do anything else. Dang it why is it always work getting in the way of me trying to have some fun..

That's about all I have for now gang. I'll post some other stuff later, probably before the trip, but then again.. Who knows!!!!

Have a great week, day, month. Hell just have a good time.

Semper Fi,
Frank Sellin

1/9 Everywhere


30 Hours To Go Before the Adventure Begins Preparations Continue Part 4


August Road Trip - The Preparation Part 1