30 Hours To Go Before the Adventure Begins Preparations Continue Part 4

July 30th, 2020 - 11:26 PM

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Well about 30 hours from now, I will be getting on the road and heading out on my little adventure.

I still have many things to do before the adventure begins, what do you ask do I have left to do before I leave home.
1. Gotta work tomorrow. Yup still got one more day of work to go, the plus side is that I have (I think) finished just about everything that I need to do to support my department and those that I work with and for. I even had a quick meeting with a young lady that will help cover for me while I'm gone.
2. Need to take the truck in and get it washed, inside and outside. Come on now. How can you start a road trip with a dirty vehicle.
3. Need to get gas and put fuel into the four (4) gas cans (MOGAS) that I have for the trip.
4. Need to make sandwiches and put them into baggies. (Yes I'm being a cheapskate and making my own chow)
5. Need to pack clothes and shaving gear.
6. Need to pack up the tent, air mattress for use in the back of the truck.
7. Need to load up the cigars (must have for a road trip)
8. Need to pack the truck up with everything and make sure everything is in a place that I can reach it if need be.

Doesn't seem like much to do, but you know.

But the most important thing is to get some rest but even more important than that, is to make sure that I hang out with my wife.

Aside from that, I just need to wake up and get on the road and just begin. I am alternately thinking about stopping in Downtown LA and a few other places to take some pictures as I head out towards my first stop, but that will have to wait and just see how I feel.

Well that's it for now.

Sellin Photography
Frank Sellin
1/9 Everywhere


August Road Trip Day 2 Phoenix to Kanab


The Preparation Continues Part 3