August Road Trip - The Preparation Part 1

August Road Trip - The Preparation Part 1

Frank Sellin

Blog #37 of 48




July 30th, 2020 - 11:17 PM

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So for about the past month, I have been very slowly preparing for a road trip that will take me from my home here in Oxnard, California and will eventually end up in Platteville, Colorado where I will end up at a Reunion with some of my brother Marines. I plan on trying to write some sort of daily blogs about my trip and the experiences that I have on it, this trip is something that my family is in full support of and knows that I need to do for a break from my work.

Vehicle Preparation:

I've been wanting to do a few upgrades to my Truck and have been doing that slowly over the past month. I have added a set of sides steps (needed these anyway so that my 73 year-old mother can get in my truck), I have procured some new floor matts, upgraded the headlights, got a cover for the bed of the truck and then I have bought some fuel cans too (i'll explain that later.) Obviously getting the fluids changed/ topped off is also a good idea.. And most importantly I obtained a new MP3 player that will allow me to have all the music I need and enjoy listening to while I drive..DUH!!!!

Planning the route:

So planning the route for this trip (if you are reading this, please understand I'm still working on the route) is kinda interesting. As of today this is what I have planned out:

Day 1:

Depart Oxnard, California for Phoenix, Arizona.
- Possible Stop in Downtown LA to take a few pictures, City Scape.
- Possible Stop around the Palm Springs Area to take a few sunrise type pictures

Day 2:

Depart Phoenix Arizona For Kanab, Utah
- Possible Stop to take pictures along the route of the Grand Canyon
- Stop along the entire route and take pictures of whatever catches my eye to be honest.

Day 3:

Depart Kanab, Utah and head for Capital Reef National Park - This part of the drive I am so looking forward too, based on my research I will be driving through some really beautiful areas of Utah and plan on stopping a lot and taking pictures of just everything.

Capital Reef National Park -

- Hickman Bridge
- Cathedral Valley: Plan on trying to do a night time photo shoot here and possible sticking around long enough to get some pictures at sunrise especially around the Temple of the Moon/ Temple Of The Sun Area.
- Cassidy Arch


The Preparation Continues Part 3


The Epic Failure Of Comet Neowise Picture Mission