SoCal COVID Lock Down

Well here it is the first real day of being locked down yet again here in SoCal because of this COVID nightmare.

While I have had the a few chances since this all began back in March to go out and shoot some pictures (to include a nice 10 day drive), some of which have come out just great.. It still isn't like it was about a year ago this time.

I have been taking the time little by little to go through my picture catalog, fix the naming conventions, re-tag/keyword pictures, with something that makes some sense, and of course reviewing pictures that I have forgotten about or just didn't pay attention to for one reason or another. The upside to all of this is having discovered some really great shots, processing them and getting them out there for everyone to see.

I have been trying to formulate a plan to get me out of the house and on the road for a day trip or two to get some scenery pictures and maybe do some plane spotting someplace else besides my usual haunts (don't get me wrong, I've gotten some great shots.).

This lock down has given me the opportunity to stop and re-think a number of things and the strong desire to try and get out there and figure out a way to scratch out a living and be able to travel and take pictures too. Ah, maybe one day I will get luck like some of my fellow photographers and get that one person that will allow me that opportunity.. "Don't Quit Dreaming".

So with us being locked down and suck, I'm going to take the opportunity to try and plan out my next road trip, and begin to save the money up to do it, hopefully it will be Oshkosh/ EAA 2021... If not I'll figure something out.

Well enough rambling for now. Everyone stay safe out there and take care of yourselves and your families.

Semper Fi 1/9 Everywhere


Oshkosh 2021 or Bust - The Blog Starts June 19th


August Road Trip Day 11 Vegas to Oxnard