Iceland - Day 4 November 13, 2019

Happy Anniversary to my wife as today we celebrate it here in Iceland.

So what are going to do today? We are finally going to make it out to the Blue Lagoon and use our ticket that we didn't use on Sunday. But FIRST!

Breakfast downstairs in the hotel restaurant. Same food as before so I won't even bother talking about it again. Kinda predictable.

Gotta call the main office and get them to let us change the dates, but I have to look up the Blue Lagoon's contact information (

Looked up the number on line and after trying to figure out how to use the phone in our room made the call and explained the situation and was able to do it no sweat. The young lady at the main office asked what time we wanted to be at the Lagoon we told her 12pm (Noon) and she said DONE!!!

At this point it was only 930am and we had time to kill so what do we do? hhhmmm. My wife decides to sleep a little longer and I decide to continue to work on the previous days Blog and then begin checking on other personnel items too.

1100 comes around and I get my wife up and get her moving so we can get on the road, the GPS in my phone is already pre-programmed and it says it will take us about 45 minutes to get there.

We hit the road and follow the GPS's directions to get us back out of town and back on to Route 41 towards Keflavik and eventually the Blue Lagoon.

The skies here finally cleared up and there isn't a cloud in the sky, my wife and I begin to talk about the possibility of seeing the Northern Lights tonight, as it would make sense to us.. Yeah well according to the Aurora app that was on my phone, there was only a 1% chance of seeing them anywhere in Iceland and that we had a better shot at seeing them in Scandinavia/ Russia and Antarctica. Road trip? Not likely.

As we drive down Route 41 towards Keflavik and the Blue Lagoon, I notice some spots that I wouldn't mine stop and taking pictures of, and make mental notes and then I tell my wife.

The drive is pretty uneventful and we get off at our exit and get on to Route 43 and proceed up the road towards the Blue Lagoon and some relaxation.

Upon our arrival at the Blue Lagoon we once again proceed to walk up the path way towards the entrance, we walk through the door and we proceed to follow the shuffle of people that have obtained the cheap package for getting into the Lagoon.

Once we get up to the main the counter one of the nice girls there, proceeds to scan our reservation in and then give us two towels and two wrist bands. Now the Wrist Bands.

You need to pay attention here. These wrist bands allow you to secure and open the locker where you will put your clothes. BUT there is a scanner that you must use to program you wrist band so it knows which locker for you to use. Keep in mind they have staff in the locker room to help you out.

Okay now you change clothes and put on your swim trunks and head in right? WRONG. You must go shower off completely first and you have to do this buck naked and then you can put your trunks on and grab your stuff and head down to get into the lagoon.

Now with the basic package you get a towel, a mud mask, and a drink! They really go all out for ya. So keep that in mind.

You an enter the water from several locations, either inside the building or walk outside and get in that way. With it being Winter time here most people go from the inside ramp to get in the water, but for those of us with no issues, we go outside and hang up our towels and proceed into the water... Once you are in the water it is a nice warm feeling. You have steam coming up off the water and it really looks cool, you can walk around very easily and at this point it is time to find that free drink!!!

We find the bar on the other side of the lagoon from the entrance, and belly up to get our free drink. A beer for me and a glass of wine for my wife. While we were waiting we end up talking to a English mother and daughter. She's asking how old you have to be to drink here in Iceland. Now silly me says 18 years old, cause that's been my experience all over the world once we got outside of the States. Well after a little bit we bumped into the mother again and she's to me that the legal drinking age here in Iceland is 20yrs. I had no idea, since I'm already old enough to drink and have the grey hairs to prove it too.

We hang out in the lagoon for a couple of hours and finally tell my wife I've had enough, she would have stayed all day had I let her. But I told her I can get the same experience back at our home in our own Hot Tub. The biggest thing there is that I have a fridge with beer in it close by, and then of course I have the animals and I can get out naked if I choose. HA.

After changing close and then meeting up with my wife we paid our tab for the additional drinks we procured and proceeded out the door and back up o our car.

Heading back into Reykjavik we decided to stop and get gas at the COSTCO, as it was cheaper than in town and wanted to make sure we had gas for tomorrow's journey. My wife also decided that she needed a couple of things from within COSTCO so we went shopping in there and came out with a few things...

Once we were back out on the road, we my wife indicated that she wanted a burger to eat so we decided to go ahead and go over to the Hard Rock Café in downtown Reykjavik. It wasn't a bad call, plus side the place was empty and we made it in time for happy hour yet again...

The bartender in the Hard Rock Café was very friendly and made suggestions on drinks. My wife had her self a warm drink with a little kick to it and I chose one of the local beers, but only after being able to sample a few of them. And then we ordered our food, onion ring starter and burger and fries for the main course!!!. We ate and talked to the bartender about living here in Iceland, Cars and about California. It is so funny to realize how naïve people are about what it is like living in the States and especially California. WOW.

After eating lunch we headed back to our hotel and just chilled out for the remainder of the day.

Around 2200 (10pm) I decided that it was time to head out and try to obtain some pictures of Reykjavik at night. I went back towards an area that my wife saw on our way back from Vik the day before. But after some exploring found a better spot. I took some pictures at several different spots, and it was slightly cold BTW. Decided to make a haste retreat back to our hotel and warm up and see how my pictures came out..

Once back at the hotel I did get a pint of the "Christmas Beer" from the Viking brewing company, and had a chat with the bartenders about procuring some of their beer glasses before leaving to go home. Mission accomplished there. My Brother Marine Brigt will be happy when he's see's them.

Back in our Hotel room I proceed to pull up the pictures and look at them and realize that I got nothing but junk, argh. What did I do? Did I not do the right things? The LCD read out looked promising, ARGH!!!! now what to do. Okay sleep for a little bit and think this through.

Good night all!!!! Tomorrow is another day.


Iceland - Day 5 November 14, 2019


Iceland - Day 3 November 12, 2019